Surprise Visit and New Friends

At the beginning of May, a 2013 “Southend” (SE) Western Oregon University grad called me to say he was in town for one more day. One more day?! I had no idea he was visiting–and had already been in Monmouth for a week!

Come to find out, this friend had quit his job in Michigan just so he could fly back to Oregon (his employer wouldn’t give him vacation time). We met up for a few minutes on Friday morning just to say “hi.” At first, he said he didn’t have time for coffee, yet ironically invited me (and Abby was with me) for a whole meal that afternoon.

We followed him to his old apartment where another SE family is now living. They were making “breakfast”–though we didn’t eat until around 12:30 p.m. Abby and I got to meet nine of his countrymen and several of their young kids through the course of the afternoon. As is typical in their culture, none of the wives were present. I now have an open invitation to visit anytime and am praying for what may come of these new relationships.